Tools & Calculators
Planning for retirement and managing your Plan account sometimes requires a little help. Here are some useful tools and calculators that may help simplify your path to retirement.
How much money will I need in retirement?
Set your retirement savings goals with the help of the My Income & Retirement PlannerSM, which takes into account your retirement savings, pension and Social Security income.
Launch Income & Retirement Planner
How much money will I need to cover retirement health care costs?
Use the My Health Care Estimator® to figure out your potential retirement health care expenses.
Launch My Health Care Estimator®
How do my retirement contributions compare with those of my peers?
Find out with our Peer Comparison Tool.
I want help choosing funds.
Use My Investment Planner, created by Nationwide Investment Advisors LLC in partnership with global investment management firm Wilshire Associates. Answering a few questions can help you get the investment recommendations that are right for you.
Can my budget afford a payroll deduction?
See how increasing your contributions into your Plan account will affect your take-home pay by using the Paycheck Impact Calculator.
Launch Paycheck Impact Calculator
Am I contributing enough?
Enter your numbers into the Future Value Calculator to see how retirement savings may grow over time; it can also help you determine whether you'd like to make adjustments to your contributions.
Launch Future Value Calculator
How long will my money last in retirement?
Examine various scenarios for taking payouts via either a fixed-period or a fixed-amount method with the help of the Payout Illustrator tool.
How will contributing to the new Roth option affect my taxes?
Determine the possible tax advantages of making after-tax contributions to your plan by using the Roth Analyzer, which will provide you with a detailed summary based on your answers.
Can I afford to send my kids to college, too?
Find the right balance between saving for your retirement and your children’s college tuition with the College Savings Calculator, which will help you determine how much you may need to save each month.
Launch College Savings Calculator
Neither the plan administrator nor its representatives give legal or tax advice. Please consult your attorney or tax advisor for answers to specific questions.
These planning tools are presented for informational purposes only. They are not intended to project or predict the investment results of any specific investment. They do not reflect fees of any particular investment and only reflect tax information where shown. Remember, investing may be subject to market risk and there are no guarantees that your investment goals will be achieved.
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